Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Déjà Vu?

We're all familiar with the mixed bag of emotions that go hand in hand with the first day of school. It wasn't until yesterday that I truly understood my own particular good fortune with respect to this (for me) annually recurring event. I am lucky enough to work at a small school with a close-knit group of people. While on the phone with a parent, she noted, "Wow, you really get to do this first day of school thing forever, right?"

As we finished the conversation, I reflected on our typical first day pile of confused schedules, summer reunion hugs, car line headaches, uniform questions, lost backpacks, new-found friends, smiles and tears, only to realize that we 'school-folk' really do have a grand view of things. I'm making a bit of a cheesy connection to the actual name of our school (Grandview) but, obvious tactics aside, everything in life hinges on perspective. Every year I am lucky enough to view through a lens of new beginnings. Like Bill Murray's character in the decades ago film, Groundhog Day, I get to re-live moments over and over until I get them right; until I see and appreciate the perfect cycle of imperfection.

So, with this new year on this new day, I am polishing my rose-colored lenses to be sure they are aiming at the limitless potential we all share. In the process, I will think about Punxsutawny Phil and a question asked in the film, "Do you ever have déjà vu? Answer: Didn't you just ask me that?"